
First time posting!

First time posting!

Welcome to my website, devoted to all lipedema people an others! My name is Emma and I have lipedema. A painful disease, who we need to inform about, because so many people ,mostly women, are suffering from it. I know how you can live with this disease and still have a wonderful Life. It’s hard work but it’s possible! So I hope you will follow me and let me help you to a better lipedema life! My life is much about lipedema, food, workout, work and family. My crazy family. I will tell you tips and my secrets through tis blog and on my

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lipodem_fighter/,

Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCirOW2UbEW2jmnnZhGxg1WA

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/lipodemfighter/posts/

and later on a podcast with Eva Stanley Jones! So welcome!!

Love Emma

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